Mission Statement and Objectives | Fiscal Information | Information Services | Membership | Officers | Committees & Working Groups | Compact Import and Export Requirements | LLW Forum Projects | LLW Forum Bylaws | Reimbursement Policy | Management | Fees | Subscription Rates
As of January 2001, the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. began operating as an independent, non-profit corporation. Because of financial constraints, access to the main portions of this website will be restricted to members of, or contributors to, the LLW Forum, Inc.
The new structure allows private associations, companies, federal agencies, and others to support and participate in the LLW Forum, Inc. by purchasing memberships and/or by contributing grants or gifts.
To facilitate the implementation of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act by serving as the consolidated voice and face for the compacts and states. As the consolidated voice, we promote the safe and efficient disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste by working with a broad spectrum of key stakeholders including regulators, policy makers, the public, and industry to develop national policy that anticipates and resolves problems.
To fulfill this mission, The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum objectives include:
- bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders on a regular basis to promote sharing of ideas, concepts, and solutions;
- educating and informing policy makers and the public about the management and disposal of low-level radioactive waste and about the aims of the federal legislation;
- fostering innovative information sharing among state and interstate compact officials;
- providing opportunities for state and interstate compact officials to exchange views with federal officials and other interested parties; and,
- supporting the mission of interstate compacts and working to ensure continued access to licensed low-level radioactive waste disposal capacity.
The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. is committed to fiscal transparency and as such will provide up-to-date documents on its summary of assets and budget projections.
LLW Forum Profit and Loss Statement 2021
The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. publishes a widely acclaimed newsletter covering pertinent developments in the states and compacts, in the courts, in federal agencies and committees, and in Congress.
Breaking events of urgent interest to Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. members are covered in “News Flashes” sent electronically for fastest delivery.
The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. also maintains a website featuring current and back issues of the newsletter, maps and charts, key state and compact documents, and links to other sites.
Voting membership in the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. is open to interstate compacts, states that are designated by a compact to host— or that currently host —a commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal facility, and unaffiliated states. Voting members representing interstate compacts are appointed by interstate compact commissions. Voting members representing host states and unaffiliated states are appointed by the Governors of those states.
Non-voting membership is open to other states that have joined interstate compacts, as well as to corporations and other interested parties.
All members are required to pay an annual fee to the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc.
The Chair of the LLW Forum, Inc. is the principal executive officer of the organization and supervises and controls all of the business and affairs of the LLW Forum, Inc.
In the absence of, or at the request of, the Chair, the Past-Chair or the Chair-Elect performs the duties of the Chair.
Executive Director – Dan Shrum
Chairman – Doug Hansen
Incoming Chair – Ron Gaynor
Outgoing Chair – Tom Hansen
Treasurer – Alyse Peterson
Committees & Working Groups
LLW Forum, Inc. task forces, working groups, and discussion groups study specific policy issues on behalf of the LLW Forum, Inc.
Disused Sources Working Group
In September 2011, at the request of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration/Global Threat Reduction Initiative (NNSA/GTRI), the LLW Forum formed the Disused Sources Working Group (DSWG) to develop recommendations for improving the management and disposition of disused sealed sources that pose a threat to national security.
Over a 30-month period, the DSWG solicited input from a broad range of stakeholders. The final report, which includes findings and recommendations from the working group, was released at the spring LLW Forum meeting in Austin, Texas on March 17, 2014.
The report may also be downloaded and printed by clicking this link: Final DSWG report (PDF).
Current information about the DSWG — including project highlights, summary of recommendations, resource material links and membership/staff contact information — can be found on the Disused Sources Working Group website.
Part 61 Working Group
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is proposing to amend Part 61 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 61) titled, “Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste,” to require new and revised site-specific technical analyses, to permit the development of site-specific criteria for low-level radioactive waste acceptance based on the results of these analyses, and to facilitate implementation and better alignment of those requirements with current health and safety standards. This rule would affect low-level radioactive waste disposal licensees or applicants that are regulated by NRC or Agreement States.
In early 2012, the LLW Forum formed a Part 61 Working Group (P61WG) to provide input and comment on the NRC’s Part 61 rulemaking initiative. The P61WG includes representatives of all four sited states—South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Washington—plus the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The P61WG developed a briefing paper on the Part 61 rulemaking initiative that may be downloaded and printed by clicking this link: P61WG Briefing Paper (PDF).
Current information about the P61WG — including project highlights, summary of recommendations, resource material links and membership/staff contact information — can be found at the Part 61 Working Group website.
Compact Import and Export Requirements
In March 2017, the LLW Forum released a report on Compact Import and Export Requirements. The report includes links to each individual compact’s websites, as well as links to any applicable policy statements and forms. For those compacts that have export and/or import permit requirements, a brief explanation of the program is provided.
Any specific questions about a compact’s permit program should be addressed to the respective compact. The contact information is available on the compact’s website.
The LLW Forum has focused cooperative efforts on projects that will further effective low-level radioactive waste management. The LLW Forum:
- developed and implemented an interregional agreement to provide a nationally uniform approach regarding access to treatment and processing facilities whereby compacts and unaffiliated states agree not to impede the return of radioactive waste that originated in their region or state;
- adopted a Discussion of Issues Statement regarding the management of commercial low-level radioactive waste, (which was amended on September 18, 2006) that sets forth the board’s consensus views on and highlights some of the complexities associated with low-level radioactive waste management and disposal;
- developed and implemented an interstate agreement to provide uniform guidelines regarding disposal responsibility for waste resulting from incineration and decontamination processes;
- worked with the Southeast Compact Commission ;to create an electronic National Directory of Brokers and Processors for use by compacts, states, federal agencies, and users of radioactive materials to provide information about companies that package, transport, process, or otherwise manage radioactive material in preparation for ultimate disposal; and,
- played a key role in development of the national uniform manifest for low-level radioactive waste shipment.
LLW Forum Bylaws
Reimbursement Policy
The LLW Forum’s Reimbursement Policy was modified on December 1, 2023.
Click here to download the DOE Travel Reimbursement Form.
Directors serving on the Executive Committee of the LLW Forum, Inc. act on behalf of the organization as authorized and oversee the activities of the LLW Forum Executive Director (Dan Shrum).
“Compact” Membership Fee —$9,500
• active voting membership in LLW Forum, Inc.
• two sets of all written materials
• access for two individuals to the members-only portion of the LLW Forum, Inc. web site
• one voting representative and one additional attendee per meeting with no registration fee for either“Host State” Membership Fee —$5,000
• active voting membership in LLW Forum, Inc.
• one set of all written materials
• access for one individual to the members-only portion of the LLW Forum, Inc. web site
• one voting representative and one additional attendee per meeting with no registration fee for either“Unaffiliated State” Membership Fee —$5,000
• active voting membership in LLW Forum, Inc.
• one set of all written materials
• access for one individual to the members-only portion of the LLW Forum, Inc. web site
• one voting representative and one additional attendee per meeting with no registration fee for either“Additional State” Membership Fee —$5,000
• active non-voting membership in LLW Forum, Inc.
• one set of all written materials
• access for one individual to the members-only portion of the LLW Forum, Inc. web site
• one voting representative and one additional attendee per meeting with no registration fee for eitherMeeting Registration Fee —$600
• one set of all written meeting materials
• access for one person to an LLW Forum, Inc. meeting“Standard Non-Federal Associate” Membership Fee – $6,000
• active non-voting participation in meetings of the LLW Forum, Inc.
• two sets of all written materials
• access for two individuals to the members-only portion of the LLW Forum, Inc. web site
• two non-voting representatives per meeting with no registration fee“Premier Non-Federal Associate” Membership Fee – $9,000
• provides benefits for two separate, individual facilities of the same parent company
• active non-voting participation (two seats–i.e., one per facility) in meetings of the LLW Forum, Inc.
• four sets of all written materials (two per facility)
• access for four individuals (two per facility) to the members-only portion of the LLW Forum, Inc. web site
• four non-voting representatives (two per facility) per meeting with no registration fee“Standard Federal Associate” Membership Fee—$12,000
• active non-voting participation in meetings of the LLW Forum, Inc.
• two sets of all written materials
• access for two individuals to the members-only portion of the LLW Forum, Inc. web site
• two non-voting representatives per meeting with no registration fee“Premier Federal Associate” Membership Fee— $27,500
• active non-voting participation in meetings of the LLW Forum, Inc.
• fifteen sets of all written materials
• access for fifteen individuals to the members-only portion of the LLW Forum, Inc. web site
• ability to post written materials (including the LLW Notes and news flashes) on an internal, federal agency web site
• five non-voting representatives per meeting with no registration fee
To purchase a membership or to become a sponsor of the LLW Forum, Inc., please use the PayPal options above, or contact Alyse Peterson, LLW Forum Treasurer.
The LLW Forum, Inc. sells annual subscriptions to its various materials including the newsletters, news flashes, summary report, meeting reports, and other written materials. Subscription prices vary depending upon the types of materials provided. In order to expedite processing, the LLW Forum, Inc. has devised the below-listed schedule of subscription rates which includes one copy-righted copy of each listed material. However, individualized subscription plans may also be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
A special, reduced subscription rate is available to consultants, contractors, non-profit organizations and user groups. Purchasers of such subscriptions will be provided with access to LLW Forum publications and to free registration for one individual per meeting. The offering of this reduced subscription rate is discretionary. Persons interested in applying for a reduced subscription rate should contact the LLW Forum’s Executive Director for additional information.
News Flashes Only: $1,650
News Flashes are brief descriptions of items which are either time-sensitive or which are very significant to persons interested in the field of low-level radioactive waste management and disposal. They are distributed electronically and are published on an as-needed basis.Newsletters Only: $2,750
Newsletters cover a broad array of items affecting low-level radioactive waste management and disposal and related issues. An average newsletter will include the following sections: LLW Forum, Inc., States and Compacts, Congress, Courts, Federal Agencies. Newsletters are published electronically and in hard copy six to eight times per year.Newsletters, News Flashes, Summary Report, Meeting Report, Contact List: $5,000
This subscription includes the news flashes and newsletters, as described above, plus one annual Summary Report of LLRW Management Activities in States and Compacts, reports of bi-annual meetings of the LLW Forum, Inc., and one annual listing of contact information for persons working in the field of low-level radioactive waste management and disposal.Newsletters, News Flashes, Summary Report, Meeting Report, Contact List and
Access to the Restricted Portions of the LLW Forum, Inc.’s Web Site: $7,750
This subscription include one copy of each of the following: news flashes, newsletters, annual summary report, meeting reports, and contact list, as described above. It also includes access for one individual to the closed portions of the LLW Forum, Inc.’s web site.Formalized, Special Subscription Plan Offered to Limited Groups:
Special Reduced Rate Subscription for Consultants, Contractors, Non-Profits, User Groups: $1,650
A special, reduced subscription rate is available to consultants, contractors, non-profit organizations and user groups. Purchasers of such subscriptions will be provided with access to LLW Forum publications and to free registration for one individual per meeting. The offering of this reduced subscription rate is discretionary. Persons interested in applying for a reduced subscription rate should contact the LLW Forum’s Executive Director for additional information.
To purchase a subscription, please use the PayPal options above, or contact Alyse Peterson, LLW Forum Treasurer.
Additional information about subscription rates and membership fees may be obtained by calling the LLW Forum Executive Director – Dan Shrum – at (801) 580-3201 or by writing to dshrum@llwforum.org.