All LLW Forum publications are copyrighted and may not be used without advance permission in writing from the LLW Forum.
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Contact List | LLW Notes | Meeting Agendas and Presentations | Disused Sources Working Group | Part 61 Working Group | Summary Report | Meeting Reports | Maps and Charts | State and Compact Documents
Click here to download a PDF copy of the Contact List.
The LLW Forum Contact Information listing provides contact information for persons working in the field of low-level radioactive waste management and disposal including compacts, member states and host states; unaffiliated states; state organizations; federal agencies and commissions; U.S. Congress; and, industry representatives.
LLW Notes
LLW Notes includes articles on activities in states and compacts, in the courts, in federal agencies, and in the U.S. Congress, and a description of new materials and publications; some of this information may have been distributed in advance of publication as an emailed NewsFlash. For past editions, please click on the Newsletter Archive.
January-February 2024
March-April 2024
May-June 2024
Meeting Agendas and Presentations
Click here to view our Meeting Agendas and Presentations Archive
THANK YOU for attending our hybrid meeting October 3-4, 2023 inSalt Lake City, Utah. Thank you especially to our Keynote Speaker, Former NRC Commissioner Peter Bradford.
Disused Sources Working Group
In September 2011, at the request of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration/Global Threat Reduction Initiative (NNSA/GTRI), the LLW Forum formed the Disused Sources Work Group (DSWG) to develop recommendations for improving the management and disposition of disused sealed sources that pose a threat to national security.
Over a 30-month period, the DSWG solicited input from a broad range of stakeholders. The final report, which includes findings and recommendations from the working group, was released at the spring LLW Forum meeting in Austin, Texas on March 17, 2014.
A limited number of printed copies of the report will be available while supplies last by contacting the LLW Forum at
The report may also be downloaded and printed by clicking this link: Final DSWG report (PDF)
Current information about the DSWG — including project highlights, summary of recommendations, resource material links and membership/staff contact information — can be found at
Part 61 Working Group
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is proposing to amend Part 61 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 61) titled, “Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste,” to require new and revised site-specific technical analyses, to permit the development of site-specific criteria for low-level radioactive waste acceptance based on the results of these analyses, and to facilitate implementation and better alignment of those requirements with current health and safety standards. This rule would affect low-level radioactive waste disposal licensees or applicants that are regulated by NRC or Agreement States.
In early 2012, the LLW Forum formed a Part 61 Working Group (P61WG) to provide input and comment on the NRC’s Part 61 rulemaking initiative. The P61WG includes representatives of all four sited states—South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Washington—plus the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The P61WG developed a briefing paper on the Part 61 rulemaking initiative that may be downloaded and printed by clicking this link: P61WG Briefing Paper (PDF).
Current information about the P61WG — including project highlights, summary of recommendations, resource material links and membership/staff contact information — can be found at
Summary Reports
The Summary of Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Options lists current and potential disposal facilities and a summary of events in the states/compacts where the most significant recent developments had taken place as of September 2007.
December 2012 Summary of Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Options
September 2011 Summary of Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Options
September 2010 Summary of Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Options
September 2009 Summary of Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Options
September 2008 Summary of Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Options
September 2007 Summary of Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Options
January 1999 Development Chart
Meeting Reports
LLW Forum Meeting Reports include descriptions of LLW Forum meeting topics and speakers, resolutions passed, and attendance. Effective 2002, the LLW Forum stopped publishing Meeting Reports. Effective October 2014, the LLW Forum began publishing Meeting Agendas and Presentations on the Members-Only, Restricted-Access portion of its web site.
Maps & Charts
Map: Compacts and Unaffiliated States (June 2000)
Chart: Disposal Fees for Barnwell Facility • Effective July 1, 2000
Chart: Commercial LLRW Volumes 1986 – 1999
Chart: Commercial LLRW Activity 1986 – 1999
Chart: Commercial LLRW Volumes and Activity 1986 – 1999
Map: US NRC Agreement States By Compact and Unaffiliated State
Map: Commercial and U.S. DOE Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites
Map: Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) Sites
State & Compact Documents
Compact Exercise of Import/Export Authority over Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste August 1999
Represents interpretations by officials of each of the ten congressionally approved compacts regarding their ability to control the import of LLRW generated outside the compact region to regional facilities for disposal, storage, and treatment; the export of LLRW to facilities outside the compact region for disposal, storage and treatment; the import of LLRW generated outside the compact region to non-regional facilities located in the region for disposal, storage and treatment; and the use/existence of non-regional facilities located in the compact region for disposal, storage and treatment of LLRW generated in the region. (Developed by Afton Associates in August 1999 under separate contract for the Midwest Compact and reprinted with permission.)
Compact Exercise of Import/Export Authority over Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste August 1999
Identifies the policies, rules and resolutions adopted by each compact commission governing the import and export of LLRW into and out of their respective regions. (Developed by Afton Associates in August 1999 under separate contract for the Midwest Compact and reprinted with permission.)
See the March 1, 1998 memo from Forum Convenor, Kathryn V. Haynes for an explanation of the LLW Forum policy on Internet publications.