GAO Issues new Report: HIGH-RISK RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Opportunities Exist to Improve the Security of Sources No Longer in Use

November 2023 HIGH-RISK RADIOACTIVE MATERIALOpportunities Exist to Improve the Security of Sources No Longer in Use “Radioactive sources” refers to nuclear materials that emit radiation and are sealed in containers that are specifically designed for use in medical, industrial, or research applications. For example, cesium-137 is widely used in a device that irradiates donor blood…

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New Mexico could pull plug on WIPP decades sooner than DOE wants

In draft permit materials rolled out December 8, the state of New Mexico said it could potentially seek closure of the Department of Energy’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad a half-century before the feds might like. The New Mexico Environment Department wants to ensure in-state transuranic waste shipments from DOE’s Los Alamos National Laboratory…

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On April 25, 2019, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) announced the release of NCRP Report No. 182 titled, Radiation Safety of Sealed Radioactive Sources. NCRP Report No. 182 is intended to serve as “cradle to grave” guidance for sealed radioactive sources. Interested stakeholders may purchase NCRP Report No. 182 at….

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On June 6, 2017, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS) released the final publication, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management and Disposition: Proceedings of a Workshop. The publication documents the proceedings from a workshop that was organized by the NAS Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, at the request…

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NRC to Consider Reevaluation of Category 3 Source Accountability

On October 18, 2016, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) regarding a proposed agency staff re-evaluation of Category 3 source accountability. The SRM was issued in response to a July 29, 2016 memo from NRC Commissioner Baran proposing that NRC staff revisit the question of whether and how to…

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