Copyright Policy

The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum, Inc. is dedicated to the goals of educating policy makers and the public about the management and disposal of low-level radioactive wastes, and fostering information sharing and the exchange of views between state and compact policy makers and other interested parties.


As part of that mission, the LLW Forum publishes a newsletter, news flashes, and other publications on topics of interest and pertinent developments and activities in the states and compacts, federal agencies, the courts and waste management companies. These publications are available to members and to those who pay a subscription fee.


Current members are allowed to distribute these written materials to a limited number of persons within their particular organization (e.g. compact commissioners, state employees, staff within a federal agency, employees in a commercial enterprise.) It has become clear, however, that there will be instances where members and subscribers wish to share LLW Forum materials with a broader audience of non-members.


This Copyright Policy is designed to provide a framework that balances the benefits of a broad sharing of information with the need to maintain control of published material.


  1. LLW Forum, Inc., publications will include a statement that the material is copyrighted and may not be used without advance permission in writing from the LLW Forum.
  2. When LLW Forum material is used with permission it must carry an attribution that says that the quoted material is from an LLW Forum publication referenced by name and date or issue number.
  3. Persons may briefly summarize information reported in LLW Forum publications with general attribution (e.g. the LLW Forum reports that . . .) for distribution to other members of their organization or the public.
  4. Persons may use brief quotations (e.g. 50 words or less) from LLW Forum publications with complete attribution (e.g. LLW Forum Notes,May/June 2002, p. 3) for distribution to other members of their organization or the public.
  5. Members and subscribers may with written approval from the LLW Forum’s officers reproduce LLW Forum materials one time per year with complete attribution without incurring a fee.
  6. If persons wish to reproduce LLW Forum materials, a fee will be assessed commensurate with the volume of material being reproduced and the number of recipients. The fee will be negotiated between the LLW Forum’s management contractor and the member and approved by the LLW Forum’s officers.